Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Our assignment was to use weebly.com and create a web page or a digital portfolio. The weebly site is very useful because it allows us to have a digital portfolio and anyone can view and probably might get interested. Having a webpage is beneficial for educators because it is like a resume online and potential employers can have access to it. It is also good because educators can communicate with each other and share ideas and concerns. I do plan to update this site because as I mentioned earlier it is good for educational purposes. I like how it is so easy to use. It was just a click and a drag away from publishing a finished piece. I did not need to copy and paste codes that was the most I liked about weebly and the fact that it is user friendly.
Check out my portfolio!


  1. it is beneficial, make sure you update your portfolio. I'll be checking it out in the future.

  2. I'm eager to learn more about you - I'm sure you'll be able to add more stuff later....
